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Wes 4716 Wes 4716 23 January 2013


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Wes 4716 Wes 4716 18 January 2013

The Dragonvale Scavenger Hunt Quiz

Welcome to the Dragonvale Scavenger Hunt Quiz!

Question 1: Shards of what? (There are two possible answers, I will accept them both) Answer: 1) Shards of Tull 2)Corundum Crystal

Winner: Wiz and Art

Question 2: What do you mean nobody knows where it came from? Answer: Blue Fire Dragon

Winner: Marman02

Question 3: What is Pickle's favorite FEMALE friend? Answer: Bre

Winner: Glammy

Question 4: I think there were just 2 that couldn't. Answer: Gemstone Dragons, couldn't SWIM

Winner: Wiz

Question 5: They're just alike, except the eggs. Answer: LYD and Rainbow

Winner: Poke

Question 6: What is Wes's favorite musical instrument? Answer: Piano

Winner: Wiz

Question 7: What does Wes "kinda" like?(food) Answer: Cheese

Winner: theARTdragons

Question 8: What's Pickle's…

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Wes 4716 Wes 4716 22 December 2012

The DragonVale Game- Team Central

Welcome to the Team


Page for the DragonVale


This page is for creating teams for my blog, The DragonVale Game! You can find a link to that blog page in the next section below. Feel free to join and create teams! 

There will definitely be rules to follow, so you can find them here. If any rules are broken, there will be a punishment, or you may be banned from the entire blog. Thanks for understanding!

1. Be fair!

2. No cursing/swearing.

3. Be respectful!

4. Do not spam in the comments.

5. Please do not cheat!

6. Individuals are also allowed!

7. For the winner, there will be badges given :)  (1st, 2nd 3rd)

First, I would like to tell you this: This new blog is basically a combination of a lot of blogs, which includes TheWizardz786's blog The…

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Wes 4716 Wes 4716 12 December 2012

My DragonVale Park as of 12/12/12

Hi everyone! Today I am simply here to share with you my park in DragonVale. You can check out my photos of the park in the section below :) There is also a voting station. Thanks!

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Wes 4716 Wes 4716 3 December 2012

DragonVale Questions, MiniGames, and Riddles

Hi Everyone! This is a blog called:


This blog is for answering questions, minigames, and riddles that are related to DragonVale. There will be a mixture of things to answer. You can particapate by answering things in the comments below! There will also be rules and a leaderboard. The rules you must follow- if you don't, you may get banned from this blog. The leaderboard will show who is winning the blog so far! I hope you enjoy this blog :)

-Wes 4716

This blog will end on December 30, 2012. There will be a Part 2 coming out on December 31, 2012.

1. No cheating!

2. No swearing or cursing.

3. Be fair and nice!

4. Use the DragonVale Wiki to find your answers.

5. Most Importantly: HAVE FUN!

6. There will be only 3 INDIVIDUAL teams allowed. The first t…

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